Monday 31 March 2025

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We're Hiring

Are you looking to make a little extra pocket change!!!!! 


This is our second request!!!  We've hired some coaches already but will be rolling out program in next couple of weeks and looking for a few more coaches. All fees for program are absorbed by Chess For The People.  Coaches get a full 80% of program (yearly or monthly)  even if we give a PROMO for players to sign up. We cover administrative fees, PayPal fees, web development, everything.


If you are a FIDE GM/WGM/IM/WIM/FM/WFM US chess Expert , Master, CM,  Peak US Rating over 2000 for US Chess we are hiring. We will also be hiring "coaches" with peak US Chess rating near 2000 on exceptions. Please use contact us form to inquire.


Chess for the People is starting a paid service called "Annotate for the People". We will be supplying a service where "Players" sign up on a monthly or annual plan. "Players" submit their games to be annotated and "Coach" annotates and posts back on "Players" specific user area. 

"Players" will be allowed 10 games per month with at most 3 per week. In months that "Player" has not done 10 games "Coach" will post a couple of games they annotated keeping those games anonymous. 


There will also be a free area that is open to all users paid or free. Here "Coaches" will be required to periodically forward over an anonymous game for admin to post.

CLick Here for our "Contact Us form"

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