Monday 31 March 2025

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Services and Events

Chess For The People promises to assist any tournament we are engaged. We will aid in all areas to create a successful tournament. We will assist in finding a venue, setting up a method to accept entries, use our US Chess affiliate for posting results (rated sections), trophies, etc. We pledge not to let you down and will be available for any questions. Utilize our experience for decision making.  All tournaments that Chess For The People are used to Organize will post parings, standings and final results on our website. 

We are also committed to preventing any known or suspected individuals with any type of mental illness that we feel put any player or especially children at risk. We take child safety and drama seriously.

Nothing Speaks Louder Than Results!

We were able to procure GM Timur Gayerev, world blindfold champ, to a mall in Joliet. Secure a great location for another of our customers in Libertyville where we have shown some great success. We have built up Roselle Library Chess club where we meet first and third Thursdays of month.

I have owned my own company for many years with some multi-billion dollar corporations under contract. I hope to bring this experience and customer service capability to our chess community.

Feel free to reach out to us via "request a serviice form" area.

We also carry Liability insurance in amounts 1 million / 2 million dollars. Certrificate available at any time. DO NOT even think of hiring an organizer that does not have at least a million dollars of liabiity insurance. We have insurance that is valid in any state in United States.

Stephen Plotnick, Organizer and Tournament Director.



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